sábado, 3 de maio de 2008


The Nature through Children’s Look
By Michael KalinowskiGo to page: 1 2
What lies beyond The project named "The Nature through Children's Look" was born in 2004 in partnership with a Brazilian Government award called Sibling Schools that facilitates the interaction of children from different cultures. This project involved an Indian Settlement School and a City School with children aged one to six years. The initial purpose was to help city children look over the trees that surround them, and to learn about the larger world through observation. As scientists, they headed out to conduct field research. Utilizing their natural curiosity they collected information, observed and recorded differences, and experienced the silence of nature. Children from both schools visited each other. Parents and school employees from both schools had the opportunity to learn, teach, exchange experiences, discover differences, and recognize similarities. In one activity they tried to identify indigenous tree species from printed representations. The participation of a student's grandfather, Mr. José Carlos Donadão, enriched the project since he was the one who built in the history bridging the gap between the children through dialogue. As a result of these exchanges, city children learned about Indian art, crafts, and Indian dances. They also explored differences in languages, trees, local vegetation, animals, and housing. City school children then created drawings from their experiences to share with their peers. City community parents, children, and school employees donated materials, including a computer, to the Indian Settlement School. The City school community also forwarded ideas to the Indian site on recycling materials, equipment, and ideas. Project Coordinator Valeria Andreetto noted that, "Education, according to Paulo Freire, has as a goal to promote the World's View enhancement. In order to keep that goal, it is essential that dialogue is made." For further information on the "The Nature through Children's Look" program, contact: Valéria G. Andreetto Rua Adolfo Bastos, 725 Vila Bastos Santo André, Sao Paulo, Brazil pequenitos@uol.com.br



Contato com a editora: 13 3224.8633
Contato com o autor: jdonadao@hotmail.com
De encontro ao SOL - José Carlos Donadão
Dois jovens juram amor eterno e por circunstâncias do destino seguem caminhos distintos. Reencontram-se 20 e tantos anos depois e através de uma paixão irresponsável tentam retomar suas vidas. Ela agora casada e ele...
Dados técnicos:
ISBN: 85-99561-21-9
Editora: Comunnicar
Ano: 2006
Edição: 1ª
Formato: 14 x 21 cm
176 páginas
Preço: R$ 30,00

Disponível para venda
São Paulo
Livraria NOBEL - Campus Anchieta (11) 2334-2241
Comunnicar Editora - (13) 3224-8633



Contato com a editora: 13 3224.8633
Contato com o autor: jdonadao@hotmail.com

Padre Chico de todos nós- José Carlos Donadão
Biografia do Monsenhor Francisco das Dores Leite, 75 anos de idade, 50 anos de sacerdocio, 40 deles a frente da igreja são judas tadeu, em santos e totalmente dedicados a obras sociais da comunidade. Padre Chico como é conhecido, torcedor do Santos é uma das figuras mais populares e queridas de Santos.
Dados técnicos:
ISBN: 978-85-99561-48-5
Editora Comunnicar
Ano: 2008
Edição: 1ª
Formato: 14 x 21 cm
128 páginas
Preço: R$ 15,00

Disponível para venda
em Santos
Paróquia São Judas Tadeu (13) 3251-4146
Comunnicar Editora -(13) 3224-8633
Livraria Santo Antonio (13) 3231-2474
Livraria Realejo (13) 3289-4935
em São Paulo
Livraria Nobel - campus Anchieta (11) 2334-2241